Easy mods that you can do yourself to unlock new tonal possibilities from your guitar.
Today we're going to talk about the problem of treble bleed. So if you ever noticed that when you roll back your volume control, it's not just changing the volume, it's also changing the tone a little bit as well. The sound's getting a little bit darker and muddier. If you've noticed that you're not alone.
And we're going to talk about something that will address that. And this is a really simple mod, so we don't even need push pull pots for this one. What we do need is a capacitor and a resistor that are wired in parallel between lugs one and two of your volume control. I won't get into the science of how this works, but basically it stops this problem of the treble bleeding off when you roll back that volume control
And using a capacitor and resistor is totally fine, but the values of that capacitor and that resistor will determine how effective this is in combating that loss of treble frequencies when you roll off the volume control.
So instead, we recommend using so called the V-Treb, which is basically the same thing. It's a little mini capacitor and a little mini resistor and a little mini potentiometer.
And this allows you to change the amount that this capacitor and resistor are doing. And so therefore, how much of an effect you are getting in terms of addressing that loss of treble.
This one's a really, really easy mod. You just take your existing volume control, whether that's master volume or an individual pickup volume, and it comes a little self-adhesive pad, and you can stick this onto the back of your pot. You'll want to make sure you don't have any other grounding connections stuck on in the area that you want to attach this. And then your volume part works essentially the same way. Your output from your switch or from your individual pickup is going to come and connect to lug 1.
Lug 1 is then also going to connect to the corresponding connector on the V-Treb, and then your output to either to your switch if it's an individual volume control or to your output jack with a master volume control, again, is going to come from lug 2 of the pot and then connect to the second of those two connectors on the V-Treb.
And as normal with volume controls, lug 3 is going to get soldered to the casing of the pot so that it connects to ground. This is a really easy one, great little tool. You just need a little mini screwdriver to adjust the mini-pot and you can play around with how much of an effect you're getting and get finely tuned in to the point where your volume control is nicely reducing the volume without killing your tone.
So grab your soldering iron, so only two little connections to make, a really easy one, and happy modding.